Last week, we visited Limassol Old Market with our teacher and we had the chance to see traditional Cypriot products. The stalls were full of fruit and vegetables and they were very colourful. Our teacher divided us into groups and told us to choose a FRUIT IDIOM from the ones we learnt in class and use a real fruit or vegetable in our presentation. I chose the idiom "the apple of my eye" and my classmate Anna and I created the following dialogue:
Me (holding a red apple): Do you like apples, Anna?
Anna: Yes! Let's not forget, an apple a day keeps the doctor away!
Me: Do we grow apple trees in Cyprus?
Anna: Yes, of course! We also make delicious apple pies!
Me: I remember my grandma used to make delicious cakes with apples. I loved her so much! She was the apple of my eye!
George and Nicos created a very nice dialogue too! Our teacher asked Anna and me to write it down:
George (holding a banana): Yellow is my favourite colour!
Nicos: Why?
George: I'm an AEL fan! AEL is the best team in Limassol!
Nicos: When did you last watch a match?
George: A few weeks ago! We scored a goal and all AEL fans went bananas!
the apple of my eye: my favourite / a person I really love
to go bananas: to go crazy because of extreme joy
Georgia Nicolaidou & Anna Perikleous - D Class